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Yogurt Parfait with Muesli, Peaches, Passionfruit, and Raspberries recipe.


  • Makes 4 servings

Preparation and Cooking Time:

  • Prep Time: 20 minutes (5 minutes for muesli, 15 minutes for parfait)

Start your day with this delicious Yogurt Parfait featuring homemade muesli, fresh peaches, passionfruit, and raspberries. Packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins, this parfait is a balanced and nutritious breakfast option. The homemade muesli adds a satisfying crunch, while the fresh fruit provides a burst of flavor. Perfect for a healthy start or a refreshing snack, this parfait is both easy to make and enjoyable to eat.

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Yogurt Parfait with Muesli, Peaches, Passionfruit, and Raspberries

  • 2 cups Greek yogurt

  • 1 cup homemade muesli with chia seeds

  • 1 ripe peach, sliced

  • 2 passionfruit, pulp scooped out

  • 1 cup fresh raspberries

  • 2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup (optional)

  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish (optional)

Homemade Muesli with Chia Seeds


  • 2 cups rolled oats

  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds

  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

  • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas)

  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries

  • 1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped

  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut (optional)

  • 1/4 cup chia seeds

  • 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup (optional for extra sweetness)


Yogurt Parfait

  1. Prepare Ingredients: Wash and dry the raspberries. Slice the peach. Scoop out the pulp from the passionfruit.

  2. Layering:

    • Spoon 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt into the bottom of each of four serving glasses or bowls.

    • Add a layer of muesli (about 2 tablespoons) on top of the yogurt.

    • Add a layer of peach slices, followed by a spoonful of passionfruit pulp and a few raspberries.

  3. Repeat Layers:

    • Add another layer of 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt over the fruit.

    • Follow with another layer of muesli and the remaining fruit.

  4. Topping:

    • Drizzle honey or maple syrup over the top layer if desired.

    • Garnish with fresh mint leaves for a touch of color and flavor.

  5. Serve: Serve immediately to keep the muesli crunchy.

Homemade Muesli

  1. Combine Dry Ingredients: In a large bowl, mix the rolled oats, sliced almonds, chopped walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, chopped dried apricots, shredded coconut (if using), and chia seeds.

  2. Optional Sweetening:

    • If you prefer a sweeter muesli, gently warm the honey or maple syrup in a small saucepan until it becomes more fluid.

    • Drizzle the honey or maple syrup over the dry ingredients and mix well to ensure even distribution.

  3. Mix Thoroughly: Ensure all the ingredients are well combined.

  4. Storage: Store the muesli in an airtight container at room temperature. It will keep for several weeks.

Chef Brooke Silk’s Notes:

Customization: Feel free to add other fruits like strawberries or blueberries of frozen fruit .

Make-Ahead: If preparing ahead of time, keep the muesli separate and add it just before serving to maintain its crunchiness.

See more of our breakfast recipes

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