Roast Pumpkin and Puff Pastry Tart recipe.

Roast Pumpkin  Puff Pastry Tart Basil
  • Serving Size: Serves 4-6

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes

  • Cooking Time: 45-50 minutes

    Perfect for a cozy dinner or as an elegant appetiser, this tart combines the sweetness of roasted pumpkin with the crispiness of puff pastry, complemented by the rich flavours of fresh Parmesan and basil.


  • 1 sheet of puff pastry (thawed if frozen)

  • 2 cups of pumpkin (peeled and diced into 1-inch cubes)

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  • Fresh basil leaves for garnish

Roast Pumpkin Melted Parmesan Cheese Basil Puff Pastry


  • Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).

  • Roast the Pumpkin: Toss the diced pumpkin with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until tender and caramelized. Remove from the oven and cool slightly.

  • Prepare the Puff Pastry: Lay out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface and transfer to a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Prick the pastry within the border with a fork.

  • Assemble the Tart: Scatter the roasted pumpkin over the pastry. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the pastry is golden.

  • Finish the Tart: Sprinkle grated Parmesan over the hot tart and garnish with basil leaves.

  • Serve: Cool for a few minutes, slice, and serve warm or at room temperature.

Chef Brooke Silks Notes:

  • Pumpkin Selection: For the best flavor, choose a pumpkin variety that's sweet and has a good texture, such as squash or sugar pumpkin.

  • Roasting the Pumpkin: Roasting the pumpkin enhances its sweetness and adds a delightful caramelized flavor that complements the savory aspects of the tart.

  • Puff Pastry Thickness: If the puff pastry sheet seems too thick, rolling it out slightly can help achieve a more delicate, crispy texture. However, be careful not to roll it out too thin.

  • Cheese and Basil: Adding the cheese while the tart is hot allows it to melt slightly, creating a lovely texture and flavor. The fresh basil not only adds a splash of color but also introduces a fresh, aromatic quality to the dish.

  • My favourite quick snack can also be made with gluten free puff pastry.

Roast Pumkin Basil Melted Parmesan Puff Pastry Tart

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